I have decided to do my yoga teacher training at Kaivalya Yoga Akademie in Munich, Germany. This yoga teacher training which is certified by Yoga Alliance will enable me to deepen my own practice and to pass on my knowledge in a qualified and fun class. I practice regularly at Patrick Broome Studios in Munich. I love their studios, their classes and teachers alike. So, I immediately thought of that school to do my teacher training. However, my aim was to complete the teacher training in a short period of time, whilst still being able to work full-time. When one of my best friends recommended Kaivalya Yoga Akademie, which is led by one of the teachers at Patrick Broome Studios, I was convinced that this is the right school for me.

The yoga teacher training starts on Friday, 3rd November and ends on the first weekend in March with classes being held over the course of 8 weekends.

My motivation for the yoga teacher training is to go deeper into my own practice, to challenge body & mind alike, and to continue my journey of my heart, my passion and my intuition. Despite massive progress in the last 2 years, I want to go further and come even closer to the real me. I want to unleash my potential fully, both physically and mentally, and I know I can do it.

You can do anything you want.

I will be taking you on my yoga journey and share all my experiences with you – be it positive, negative, challenging, heartwarming, emotional or just tough.

Watch out for my blog posts and Instagram updates from day 1. So excited to finally do this.

Yours, Nina