Design your life for results

This article is inspired by my interview in Business Booster Today where I explain how my story supports you to finally break free and design your life for results. 

Direct link to article:

Reflection: I am using these last days of the year to really reflect my year 2018. I am asking myself the following questions: What went really well? What could I have done better? Is there anything or anyone that I need to forgive? What were my success stories in 2018? Where did I grow? What didn’t go as planned?

Now it is your turn! Sit down now with a nice pen and notebook and write this down for yourself. Take your time, make yourself comfortable and reflect. Go through every month January 2018 to December 2018 and reflect the good and the not so good things in all areas of your life.

Reason: Reflection and bringing unconscious things to your consciousness is key for your change. If you truly want to design your life the way you want to live it, then this is the way in. You gotta reflect in order to become aware, in order to become more and more the person you are meant to be.

Result: Charged awareness. A lighter feeling as you release ballast you no longer need. Take control of your life, instead of just reacting. Design your life proactively – it is yours!

Visualisation: I also make time to set my goals for 2019 and to visualise these goals. What do I want to achieve in each area of my life, e.g. health & fitness, my job, relationship etc.? What person do I want to become? Which quality of life do I want to have? How do I want to design my 2019? Is there anything that is keeping me from doing so? If so, why and what is my fear around this? Is it really keeping me from doing so or am I just looking for excuses? Once I have set my goals, I sit down on my meditation cushion and I visualise these goals. If you can imagine it, you can have it. You want to be in a relationship? Visualise it in detail. Where are you with your partner? How do you behave around each other? Do you want to have this specific job/flat etc.?

Now it is your turn! Sit down and write everything down unfiltered, let your ideas and visions flow. Then visualise your goals in detail. Do one after the other. Take your time.

Reason: Setting goals and the matching visualisation make things that feel far away and hence unreal real. They become more tangible and less abstract. Visualising makes you smile, because it provides you with a good feeling, that trust that you can achieve the things you are visualising. Hold this space for yourself and you’ll see.

Result: Charged awareness of your dreams that become goals through this process and eventually your reality. By writing down your goals and visualising them you’ll give a signal to the universe that you are ready to go for it. That you are ready to design your life for the results that you want to see in your life.

Let me ask you: Are you ready to charge your awareness? Are you ready to become more of who you want to be? Are you ready to take control of your life? Are you ready to break free from any compulsions that are still holding you back? Are you ready to design your life? Ready to see the amazing results that come with it?

Boom. Let’s go together, because together we can fly.

Yours, Nina

I would love to connect with you. Why don’t you just look at my website:

And reach out to me on Social Media on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.

Date with Brooke Shields

In the week of 5th November I attended JT Foxx’s Mega Success event in Anaheim, Los Angeles with 2,500 people from all around the world, eager to learn, keen to grow, ready to design their life for the results they want to see. Because let me remind you, the life that you live, it’s your life and everything you do or you don’t it’s your decision. And as I’m learning and learning, growing every day, I have understood, deciding eliminates fear.

When we decide, we can move forward; when we don’t decide, we get stuck, we overthink, we might fear the next step because of our overactive mind. Then we often get frustrated over various things, having overthought a situation, having been too fearful of the next step, yet then we regret not to have done something. We always regret the things we haven’t done, so think twice next time.

  • Do you say yes or no to an opportunity?
  • Do you decide or let fear win?

Deciding eliminates fear.

I keep taking action, I keep making decisions every single day and you should, too. I don’t talk about all the tiny decisions we have to take every day, no I mean the decisions that could be life-changing for you, the decisions that can get you started on living the life you truly want, the decision FOR YOU.

Decide for you.

It is so worth it, trust me. After all, my actions and my decisions led me to the absolutely amazing opportunity to meet Brooke Shields (actress, model, entrepreneur) in Los Angeles. Not only did I meet her, but also I was up on stage in front of 2,500 successful, international entrepreneurs to have a fantastic conversation with her about success when it comes to health and wellbeing.

After my interview with this beautiful woman inside out, I recorded a video for you because I wanted you to feel the energy that I got from that interview, from that moment up on stage, a pure state of happiness. Here’s the link to my video recorded live in LA straight after the interview with Brooke Shields.

When I was a child, I always wanted to become an actress, moderator, travel reporter or a dancer; all things active and agile, travelling, exploring. I knew I wanted to be free like a bird, I also already knew I wanted to do my own thing, but most importantly I wanted to be happy. What I find most interesting is that all of my childhood dreams have one thing in common and that is serving and helping others.

The beautiful thing is – although I might not be an actress or reporter – this is exactly what I do as Life & Business Strategist. I have worked on myself to become a better, mentally healthier and consequently happier person. And now I get to help people connecting with themselves, revealing their true self and designing the life that they truly want to live. And this makes me happy from within and I know it will make you happy, too, when you are ready to take action and walk that path of happiness.

  • Are you ready to work on your body, mind and soul?
  • Are you ready to actively design your life?
  • Are you ready to go after the results you deserve?

Then click here to learn more.

Lots of love, yours Nina

PS: Ensure you connect with me on Instagram & Facebook on ‘ninaspinknotes’. And you can watch all my videos from LA on YouTube. Enjoy! 



Arise to success

When you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I spent almost two weeks in the USA. I traveled there for the business event of the year, Mega Success by JT Foxx. Afterwards I traveled to Chicago to explore a new city, and I loved it. Hence I do apologise for the missing blog post last Friday, however I hope you were catching up with me on Facebook and Instagram.

As a wise person said to me more than once ‘There’s room at the top. It’s the bottom that is crowded.’ (JT Foxx)

On that note let me encourage you to arise to your success. I have learned over the past years that my definition of success has changed. This is only natural, since we all grow and change every day, some faster, some slower. What I have also learned is:

Success is an inside job.

Success arises from within plus by you taking the necessary steps continuously. This is called self-responsibiity, no excuses, no reactions, only actions.  You can manifest your dreams the entire day, however if you don’t take action towards your dreams, they will be gone in no time.

Manifestation + Action = Success

You have the power to design your life for the results you want to see.

  • Want to feel your body? You can have it.
  • Want to train your mind to be positive? You can have it.
  • Want to feel holistically aligned? You can have it.

Design your life for the results that you want to see. What does success mean to you?

I have noticed over the past years that my definition of success has changed. That authenticity, honesty and loyalty are the most important values for me in my life when it comes to success. Having that in mind, I can do everything I set my mind to, because deep down I am myself, I am my authentic me. Success also means to me that I am becoming a better version of myself every single day. By meditating, by reading a book, by listening to audios and podcasts, but most importantly by actively listening to my inner voice and permitting me to let this voice speak to myself and others.

Because what happens if I don’t voice my voice? Well, energies might get stuck in my body or I feel like I’m not expressing myself, my feelings and what I have to say. However, expressing myself and speaking my truth is a really important life factor to succeed and be happy all around.

Let me again encourage you to speak your truth, to express your feelings and to be truly who you are meant to be. Then you can arise to success and you’ll be ready for it. I know it.

Yours, Nina

PS: The jet lag is heavily kicking in, so I will head to bed. This is a slightly shorter post than normally. Have yourself a wonderful weekend. 

Oh Yeah & Bam

Whilst starting writing this, I’m smiling to myself because of the headline of today’s blog article. However, it expresses best my current state of mind. Oh yeah & Bam describes my drive and motivation to be the best Life & Business Strategist that I can possibly be for you.

Soak it up like a sponge

In order to achieve this, I’m currently being coached by three superb coaches all over the world. In April 2018, I attended an event of JT Foxx, which took me further and further onto my personal and professional journey. I went from his Mega Speaker event in Munich to his Top 1% coaching at his house in Fort Myers, Florida, from where I just returned last week. Then yesterday I went back to where it all started 6 months ago, I attended another Mega Speaker event in Munich. Every event, every attendee, every word, every advice, I’m soaking up like a sponge. The ongoing journey helps me a lot to keep bursting mental knots. Hence, I will keep going further and I will be in Los Angeles in early November for his Mega Success event with celebrities and people attending from all across the world. I’m beyond excited to be part of this. But this isn’t it. I will also attend his 4 day event Dream Team in Munich at the end of November. When writing this, I’m thinking:

Oh Yeah & Bam.

Happiness by choice

This is one of the most exciting journeys in my life and it all kicked off at the beginning of 2015 after my 10 year relationship broke. Instead of burying my head into the sand (after some time of grief of course), I began reflecting on my life, on my job, on my relationships, on my needs and my wants. Instead of following a path that I was seemingly taking for other reasons but mine, I decided to change my life and to actively design it. I was so excited about creating the best version of myself, in all areas of my life., because I figured that success in all of these areas will eventually get me to where I want to be. Living a life that I am destined to live. Living a life in full happiness. I love naming it ‘Happiness by choice’. I choose. I decide. I have the power to design a life for me that makes me happy to live, because let’s be honest, this is what we are all striving for. Happiness. You define the term for yourself of course, but happiness is what we are all longing for, isn’t it?

It’s a process

It is so important to know though that this is a process. And the process of designing my life for results started with my intrinsic desire to change, to develop, to grow and to really become the best version of myself, meaning I needed to understand who I was. What I am getting at is, if you are at a point in your life, where you crave change, then take your time. It is a process. This might not be a satisfying thing to hear, but patience, the will to keep going, to do whatever it takes, to keep learning, to keep growing is a continuous milestone. Once I surrounded myself with like-minded people, things also started to get easier, opportunities have been arising ever since, my mind is getting stronger every day and things are happening for me!

Obstacles are your teacher

Have there been obstacles along the way? Hell yes. Many. Be it financially, be it with certain friends and also with family, where I didn’t quite feel the support I would have loved. Then there were mental obstacles on my side, where I did not really allow myself to go fully in, probably because I was afraid. Once I understood that every obstacle, every comment, every negativity, every trigger is my teacher to go even deeper and further, this is when the biggest insights came to me, when I was able to heal relationships, when I could let go of unnecessary bullshit. This was when I was finally able to start the process of rising to the best version of myself.

The best version of yourself

My best version means being grounded, aligned and awake, knowing who I am, what I stand for, what my values are, what my vision is and to live every day in happiness. The pic I chose stands exactly for that:

Oh yeah & Bam.

Yours Nina



Life is a mental challenge

If you follow me on social media, you will know that I spent a week in Fort Myers, Florida, to be coached by JT FOXX, the world’s #1 wealth coach. The programme that I’m currently doing is called Top 1% coaching, which includes a 3-day coaching training at one of JT Foxx’s houses and I chose to go to Florida. The house was all about creating an experience for all participants and working on a strategic level. I will also have a 4-day coaching training in Munich at the end of November, where the focus will be more on the implementation and execution of the strategic aspects discussed in Florida.

But first things first: I arrived a couple of days before the training started and spent one day in Naples, about an hour’s ride away from my hotel in Fort Myers. I absolutely loved the vibe of that town, everything was pretty, I loved the wide streets surrounded by palm trees and the way towards the beach was getting more and more beautiful. If it hasn’t become clear by now, let me tell you just how much I love the beach & the ocean. I’m sure in my previous life I lived by the beach, because otherwise I really cannot explain myself this strong sense of coming home.

My breath slows down, time stands still and I’m filled up with a flood of happiness.

The next day I went down to reception wearing my wristbands and instantly of course another woman recognised them which meant we got talking right away. Nice start! We – a group of approx. 40 people – were picked up at the hotel and taken to JT’s house. Conversations in the lobby were already on a high and they continued up until the coaching started at JT’s house at 9am.

Life is a mental challenge.

My biggest takeaway was that life is a mental challenge. I hold the power to train my mind to be a successful mind. And so do you. If you want to live a successful life and be happy from within, you better have the right mindset. In JT’s coaching the most important points repeatedly popped up, which I’m going to share with you here for your personal growth.

  • No excuses. The less excuses you make, the more success you will have. If you come up wth excuses, question them. Ask yourself, why you bring this up, are you scared of that next step? What exactly are you scared of? Or is this actually not important enough and that’s why you are not getting it done? At the end of the day, you will get it done, if you really want to do it. You will find a way to make it happen. If not, don’t bother and don’t spend time on it. I can so relate to that. I regularly find myself making excuses, but most importantly I notice it and I act on it, one way or another.
  • Trust, but verify. I’d like to say, trust and verify. No matter if in private or in business, ensure that you trust the people around you and that you verify the information you get from others. As I explain in another blog post, everyone sees the world through their lens, hence the perception of realities differ and consequently, so do information that are being passed on to you. So, in addition to trusting the person providing you with info, why not checking and verifying for yourself? Knowing that everyone applies their own filter. Just think numbers, gossip, recommendations, etc.
  • Be positive. That’s one of my favourites. When comparing my today’s self to my younger self, then I can proudly say that I’ve made a massive shift towards positivity. Whilst in the past I might have been caught up in some (mental) drama, I now avoid the drama and focus on positivity instead. I also noticed it’s because I don’t have time for drama anymore, I don’t have time for bullshitting anymore and I also noticed it is a waste of time. Dear readers, if you do resonate with this paragraph, I ask you to watch yourself. You have to understand that living a positive life is your decision just like happiness is. So, ask yourself and answer honestly: Who am I? Who do I want to become? What are my values in each area of my life?

Happiness by choice.

If you’ve been following my work regularly, then you’ll know that I truly believe that happiness is a choice. I can choose happiness every day. I did it, I do it and I am doing it.

What do you choose?

Yours, Nina

PS: There are only 2 spots left in my upcoming 3 hours workshop Feel Understand Heal #2 in Munich, on 19th September at 6.30pm. Details, booking & payment here.


Writing about sensuality already crossed my mind several times and it popped up again whilst I attended the Summer Sensual Days in Rovinj, Croatia. So, back in Munich, I decided to dedicate this blog post to sensuality.

I asked myself when I feel most sensual? And I noticed that it is predominantly whilst I’m moving my body, be it yoga, dancing and sometimes even walking. It’s a feeling of consciously perceiving and feeling my body, it is about mindfulness. I feel sensual, when I’m aware of my body movements and my body language, when I notice my feelings and body sensations. When I feel complete and whole in and with my body.

I usually feel good about myself and my body, but surely we all have our days, when we criticise or judge ourselves, when we feel less comfortable in our skin and when we push ourselves to do better. I guess this is normal, but wouldn’t it be nice to drop the judgment? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel great in our bodies at all times? Wouldn’t you love to feel sensual every single day?

I know that I would love to. And I noticed, when dancing Bachata in Rovinj (and some Kizomba and Salsa), that I felt exactly that. I felt my body. And I felt great in it. I felt sensual – great for Bachata sensual! I felt sexy and actually excited about what my body is capable of. I moved my body into many directions, to different songs, with different dance partners, slower, faster, softer, harder and each and every time whilst and after dancing I simply thought “Wow.”

I felt sexy and excited about what my body is capable of.

Our bodies are fascinating. You can express your feelings through your body, you can move your body, dance, walk, jump, run, everything. And because your body is so awesome, you need to take good care of it. Eat good food. Exercise regularly. And obviously I think we all should practise yoga, meditate and dance!

Dancing is such a wonderful way to move your body, it is a great way to connect with your body, you can experiment how to move, where to move, how intense, and you can notice your body sensations and related feelings when moving.

Dancing in Rovinj made me even more aware of how lucky I am to have such a healthy and beautiful (to me) body and I’m beyond grateful. And you know what?

When you feel great in your body, your charisma, your vibrancy and your energy completely transforms to the positive and it will radiate into the world.

What does sensuality mean for you and when do you feel most sensual? Please share in the comments.

Yours, Nina

Spirituality vs. party?

Are you on a spiritual path and have moments of judging yourself for feeling you are going astray?

For the last few days I have asked myself that question, because I am in Croatia for a dance festival. So I was simply observing my thoughts ranging from ‘It’s great being here. I love it’ to ‘Oh, I probably need to catch some sleep after my holiday’ to ‘I really shouldn’t stay up that late, I’d rather go to bed early and get up early.’ You see, my thoughts are ranging from positive, to restrictive to judging myself. And I do believe that this is normal, however, what is essential and needs to be learned and trained is to observe our thoughts without judging them.

And I can proudly say that I’ve not been judging myself for my thoughts. I observed them, felt into them and noticed that all of the above is me. It is Nina. Being at a dance festival is part of me, it is part of who I am. Being social is a part of me. Dancing is a part of me. Yoga and meditation are a part of me. A strong interest in spirituality is a part of me and yes sometimes even a massive lack of sleep belongs to me.

What I am getting at is, accept and embrace that YOU have many facets, especially when you are on your path of spirituality and personal growth, because I feel there is a tendency for us to be too hard on ourselves. So, enjoy yourself, do whatever you need to do in order to be balanced, fulfilled and happy. For me, this means integrating my spirituality, my yoga practice and my meditation into my life, so that I don’t feel torn between spirituality versus party. Also, there are always phases in life and we might feel more social on one day and more introverted the other. Acceptance is key, so that you can really enjoy your life – right here, right now – without any judgement about what could have been.

Don’t feel torn. Instead enjoy the wonderful phases we have in life.

Much love, yours Nina



Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful.

Life is full of little treasures. Don’t fail to see them as they come.

Do you want to be fulfilled? Are you striving for pure happiness? Do you want to live a beautiful life?

Then I recommend you start with developing your awareness. Sharpen your senses. Look, listen, feel, taste and smell. Be mindful. Life is full of little treasures. And these small things are what makes life so liveable and beautiful.

We often think we need to have big things in life in order to be happy, but the opposite is true.  Appreciate the small things in life, each and every day, and I promise they will add up to something big. Something that you have created from the inside out. Something that is unique to you. Something that will make you feel fulfilled, successful and happy.

For your inspiration, I’d love to share the beauties of my world with you:

  • Look into the mirror and be thankful for your life.
  • Appreciate a flower, its look, colour and smell.
  • If you are a cyclist like me, feel the breeze in your hair and on your skin.
  • When the sun is shining, close your eyes for a moment and just enjoy the warmth.
  • Treasure conversations with new people, look into the other person’s eyes and give them a smile.
  • Be kind to other people, like your neighbours, your colleagues, staff. Treat them just like you want to be treated and better.
  • Put on some music and just sing or dance, go crazy.
  • Smile. Think of something positive to support yourself.
  • Before going to bed, appreciate the bed that you will be lying in.
  • When you get up in the morning, be happy to breathe.
  • When you exercise, be grateful for your health.
  • Treasure stillness when it’s there.
  • Listen to all the sounds around you, like birds chirping, people laughing, the wind in the trees.
  • Practice yoga.
  • Meditate.
  • Travel to places to get inspired and motivated.

I am so deeply grateful for my life, I love it, as I’ve come to truly appreciate the small things in life. In reality, the small things are the big things, when you are mindful every day and once you let the universe shine its beauty around you.

Shine your light.

Yours, Nina

Oh Cambodia!

I’m so grateful!

  • … for travelling.
  • … to have visited Cambodia.
  • … to have stayed in a yoga & meditation temple.
  • … that I found yoga & meditation for my life.
  • … that I meet beautiful people wherever I go.

Meeting new people is such a wonderful experience. When I travelled through Cambodia, I enjoyed this experience every single day. I stayed in a yoga & meditation retreat in Kep for 2 weeks. Check out Vagabond Temple, if you are looking for spiritual inspiration & growth, great yoga classes, guidance in meditation and meeting like-minded people from all over the world.

I also booked an Ayurveda detoxification package with sessions spread over 5 days, so you should be a guest for a minimum of 5 days. The package included 4 wonderful Ayurvedic massages plus a session with the founder of the retreat Kobi. My healer Maayan and me started with feet reflexology and seriously this woman has magical hands. I noticed fairly quickly how tight certain parts in my feet were, ouch!, but it all made sense, since these points related to my lower back and hamstrings and yes, they were tight. This session was incredible. Whilst I thought that Maayan was still massaging my feet, she suddenly stood next to me informing me that the massage was finished. What?! This showed me how deeply relaxed I was. For the afternoon she recommended to just be and relax and to take the afternoon yoga practice slow.

More being, less doing.

This is something so valuable I learned during my time at the retreat center. Not only Maayan mentioned this to me specifically to rest more, but also Pazit held an incredible Dharma talk about the topic More being, less doing. Why? Because most of us are so caught up with daily To Do lists, tasks & self-imposed responsibilities, social media and overall distraction, that we forget to simply be. Without looking at our smart phone. Without doing anything. Just being.

Just sit and be still.

Another aha-moment for me was when I visited Maayan the 2nd time for a full body Ayurvedic massage. She hugged me tightly and from her heart and asked me how I was doing. I replied: “Actually good.” She asked: “Actually?” Me: “Hm, no I’m really good.” This situation showed me that I was relativising my mood, although I felt awesome, freaking great, amazing. And so we started reflecting on this conversation and our impulse to relativise things. I instantly noticed for myself that I get the impression it’s more accepted in society to hold back, to be not that great, to moan. But if you say you are doing really great, then you are kind of weird. Different. Maybe arrogant. So, maybe that’s why we make ourselves worse, because we might also get more attention if we say “I’m okay.” Followed by the next question “Why, what’s going on?” as opposed to no question, when you say you are doing great. Well, at least that is my observation, as the entire blog is, just as a reminder.

We continued with a full body massage and again/still, my hip area was tight. I fully relaxed and even saw bright white and yellow lights. Maayan explained that the tightness probably comes from my will to push forward. Because I’m doing too much and being too little. She assured me that I’m still young and that I still have enough time to get to where I want to be. That it’s important to accept that life throws us back at times or makes us go left and right, but that we can continue our path anyways. Accept what is. Accept the throwbacks, meander and changes in life.

You will continue your path.

This inspiring conversation took me straight to my pink notebook wondering where the urge to do comes from. Am I afraid of dying before having fully lived the life that I always wanted to live? Do I do, because I want to live my dream life as quickly as possible, for as long as possible? Am I scared of regretting not to have done enough?

If you are following my blog since the start then you will know that I had my breakthrough in a Reiki session in Mexico, whilst travelling through Latin America for almost 6 months. And so it happened that Maayan and me included a Reiki session into my package. I would love to share with you my main learnings from this session.

  • Follow up on what you see in your dreams.
  • Follow your path.
  • Take care of yourself. Self-love first.
  • Do not absorb negative energies.
  • Go for it.

Go for it!

The last part of the Ayurveda package was with Kobi. After a few minutes of talking, we found ourselves in a very exciting talk about astrology and my sign (=Gemini). Kobi is an absolute expert in this field, so if you are into it and you visit Cambodia, schedule an appointment with him now. Again, details of this conversation would go beyond the scope of this blog post, but let me share with you my learnings which I’m sure will be so valuable for you, too, as these are independent from your astrological sign.

  • Letting someone read my astrological sign made me understand myself more, it gave me more empathy for me, my behaviours and my decisions.
  • Do not compromise on yourself. You are who you are.
  • Set your boundaries. Write down your red lines in the different areas of life.
  • Appreciate validation from others, but do not seek it.
  • Believe in yourself.

Believe in yourself.

Oh Cambodia! Thank you so much for having me and enriching my life so strongly and positively that I feel freer and more confident than ever before. Thank you to all of you wonderful people who accompanied me on this journey.

Love, love, love.

Yours, Nina



Freedom – Am I free?

Freedom. Happiness. Love.

These 3 words are my key goals, my why, for being on this journey of personal growth. This article is dedicated to the all important word freedom. But what does freedom actually mean? What does it mean for me? Am I free?

I have stumbled upon these questions more than once now. Probably because I’m on this spiritual journey. Probably because I’m questioning existing beliefs, behaviours and limitations. Probably because I’m curious by nature.

I have always been. 

Yes, I’ve always been curious, but looking back now, I feel like there was one kind of curiosity that was accepted in life, and another curiosity that wasn’t. Because it was too questioning. Too rebellious. Too scary. Which means that over time, I’ve reduced the amount of questions asked, I didn’t challenge the existing as much anymore, I basically lost my natural curiosity about life. I lost who I have always been.

However, it would be unfair to say that it is fully our society’s fault, because at the end of the day I accepted the existing, I accepted certain beliefs, I accepted specific behaviours as well as limitations. Most likely though, the acceptance wasn’t a 100% conscious process, but I trusted that the existing was right, good and I guess normal. Because why would you question something that seems to work? The answer is you wouldn’t, until you do, which is when you realised that things don’t actually work. Well, for me at least.

I’ve been at this point several times now, but my breakthrough to dig deeper and to really question the existing happened whilst travelling through Latin America, especially when I was in Mexico. Ever since, I’ve embarked on a journey, on my inner journey.

Destination: Myself. 

I understood over the last years that my inner journey with the destination ‘Myself’ has long been overdue and is absolutely essential to the pursuit of freedom.

Whilst we are of course influenced by society, our parents and upbringing as well as by politics etc., it is still our choice – especially when we grow older – which influences we actually accept or reject within our value system.

We are free to choose.

This means we can choose every moment who we are and who we truly want to be. But we will only experience true freedom, once our mind is truly free, allowing us to be, truly and authentically.

True self against Troublemaker

However, our true self often faces our difficult self. I like to call it ‘Troublemaker’. We are scared, our thoughts limiting and our self is less wild. Love is increasingly replaced by fear. We’ve lost ourselves.

But don’t we remember what our true essence is? What our purpose of existence is?

True essence

Our true essence is to enjoy life, to play like a child on the playground, to explore, to be happy and to love.

I am craving that life again, a life of freedom, of happiness and love. I got an amazing taster of life and my true essence whilst travelling through Latin America and I simply cannot go back. I want to get to the bottom of my true self again. I want to let go of all limiting beliefs, I want to express my feelings, I don’t want to live my life on other people’s terms, so that I’m being liked and accepted, I first and foremost want to like myself.

Because I’ve understood: If I like myself, I can dissolve everything that does not serve me any longer. I can blow off the dust of my very own diamond that is my true and authentic self.

And then I can go and get my freedom back, visualising everything I’ve always dreamt of.

PS: Do you see the yellow reflection on the picture? On the left side, right where the heart is? No more words needed…

Go and follow your heart.

Yours, Nina