Limit the input

Does this headline sound contradicting to you for a blog that is predominantly about personal growth? Definitely read on.

Over the past 4 years, I’ve been diving deeper into myself, also referred to as personal development. I reflected not only on myself, my fears and my limitations, but also on how this showed in my relationships, with friends, family and partners.

On this journey – which is an ongoing process – I have learned a lot about myself. I was able to dissolve certain behavioural patterns that were limiting me due to underlying fears. I tuned deeper into my body to let go of tensions that have been building up and manifesting in my body for way too long. I work with coaches both personally and professionally to become the best version of myself. I completed an NLP training to improve my communication skills, to dive deeper into self-reflection and to change patterns that didn’t serve me any more with the clear objective to build a life that I really want to live.

So far so good. I believe that this ongoing journey of self-reflection and self-development is awesome. I  really wouldn’t change a thing looking back. It all served its purpose; every single change, every heartbreak, every challenge that I encountered in my life so far, were signs of the universe to correct my course; by looking deeper, by understanding and by initiating change.

More sensitivity

What I am also observing whilst being on this journey is that I’ve become way more sensitive with all my senses. I hear more, I see more, I feel more. I’d even say I smell and taste more thanks to my work with dōTERRA essential oils.

To really break this down for you, I hear people talking, the bells of the church, sirens, cars, children, water flowing, my steps on the ground, my diffuser running. I hear podcasts, audios and music. I hear myself talking. I could keep going.

I see more. My vision has expanded. I perceive more people in the tube and also what they do. I see the trees moving in the wind, children playing in the streets, people drinking coffee, I see people looking at other people, I observe couples walking hand in hand, I see the sun, the moon and the sky being in movement.

I feel more. I’ve become way more kinaesthetic, I’ve improved my awareness of the position and movement of the parts of my body. I can feel tension way quicker and I do know how to release it faster. I perceive (more) vibes from other people, their feelings, their energies, their current state of being. Again, I could keep going.

More input – more output?

My point is that this increased awareness also means that I sometimes must limit the input, as otherwise it becomes too overwhelming. At a certain point in a certain phase, more input simply doesn’t mean more output. It is essential at this point to limit the input and to focus on processing and digesting all of it. I am only human, as are you, so I figured it’s okay to limit my input.


By closing my eyes just like on the pic. By spending more time by myself. I have noticed that I need more me-time and less together-time when in a phase of limiting input. This means that I would have lunch breaks on my own instead of going with others. I’m not going out a lot at the moment and unfortunately I haven’t been dancing a lot lately. Yes, it is a process of withdrawing myself, and whilst I’ve had phases where I didn’t even understand why I was doing it, I am now fully embracing my need of being alone. Depending on the current life and business set up, the people surrounding me do not always understand my behaviour and my withdrawal, which in return isn’t always easy for me to accept. Yet, I’m learning and growing through this process and I accept that this is part of my personal journey, too and that I do not have to or want to justify for that. It is what I need.

And it’s okay!

I’ve for sure learned that it is okay for me to withdraw myself, if it all gets too much. I’m understanding that my increased awareness and self-reflection led me to being a more sensitive human being called Nina. Whilst in the past I was 90% outgoing, social and extroverted, I am now in need of downtime and quiet time, too. These two facets allow me a better balance in life, more time to process and digest situations, and very importantly, more self-love. I’m freeing myself as much as possible from the opinion of others when it comes to my health and my wellbeing. No, it’s not always easy, but you gotta do what is right, not what’s easy.

Go with what you need!

When I feel the need to socialise, I will. When I feel the need to be alone, I will. When I feel the need to be active, I will. When I feel the need not to talk about certain topics, I won’t. When I feel the need to set boundaries, I will. When I feel the need to speak up, I will. And no, this is never against someone or something, it just means I follow up on what I need and follow through with it.

You can do this, too. Limit your input when you feel like it and don’t feel bad for it.


yours Nina







Release your energy

Today, I captured my thoughts in a video which you also find on my YouTube channel.

Watch this video here.

It’s all about self-love, tuning into your body, observing your thoughts, connecting with yourself and diving deeper to who you really are. Release energy to have space for all new and beautiful things to come into your life!

By coming closer to who you really are, you will be able to activate your full potential and to design the life that you are destined to live.

Life is beautiful.

Yours, Nina


Understand your mind

What is central to this blog post is self-love. Self-love is the most important ingredient for you to live a successful, healthy and happy life.

Briefly think about Indian curry. Would you ever consider cooking that dish without curry? I don’t think so. So, really think about self-love as the single most important thing that you can’t live without. Because believe me, you really shouldn’t.

With this blog post I want to encourage you to become aware of your thoughts and emotions. Afterwards it’s important to express these in order to let them go. Lastly, it’s essential to bring your thoughts and emotions into movement (emotion = energy in motion), so that everything that you are can flow again. We are meant to flow, our energies are meant to flow, our whole life is meant to be in flow.

You have to understand that you can train your mind to be a successful mind.

If I speak about ‘success’, I don’t relate to ‘success’ in classic terms, I mean success on your terms, in whatever area of your life, for example work, relationships, partner, health, free-time etc.

So, whichever areas in your life you consider important, please be in the knowing that you have the power to train your mind to be successful.

You are the creator of your dream life.

Once your mind is trained to success, once you are ready to see the positive, yet handle the challenging, your successful mind will give you findings, insights and inspirations.

Make your mind your best friend – with awareness and through findings. Because then you will be able to use your mind instead of only possessing it.

Use your mind, don’t only possess it.

Do you want to befriend your mind? Do you want to get guidance from me on how to train your mind? Then get my eBook FEEL UNDERSTAND HEAL #1 on Amazon. Just click here to receive guidance and practical exercises from me on how to get started with understanding your mind. Also, attend my next workshop FEEL UNDERSTAND HEAL #3 in Munich to dive (deeper) into your personal growth journey and to start your shift. Click here to save one of the last spots.

If you have any questions, leave me a pink note!

Yours, Nina



Start walking for your dreams

Interviewed by Dominik Hoffmann @WasHeldentun

I want to share another beautiful and inspiring interview with you. The interview is in German, so I will summarise the most important insights and key learnings for you through this blog post:

Start walking for your dreams.

My message from the bottom of my heart to yours: Start walking for your dreams. I want to encourage you to live in alignment with your true self, so that you can live a happy and fulfilled life from the inside out.

Pin it

What do you truly want for yourself? What is your message to the world? Write it down on a (pink) post-it or several post-its and put them onto your mirror in the bathroom. No chance you’ll oversee that and hence you’ll be reminded of your message at all times.


We are all unique; we all have something beautiful to share with the world. If you don’t know what that would be at the moment, then reconnect with yourself. We all actually know who we are, however the challenge we are facing is that this awareness of our true self often gets lost and so over time we forget who we really are. You can visualise this as a dusted diamond. It is (still) shining underneath, but you need to de-dust your diamond in order to go back to your true self, to who you really are.

Want it

You really must want this though. If you don’t feel the desire to change your life to the better, if you don’t want to transform, if you don’t want to live a lighter and happier life, then it’ll be impossible to de-dust your diamond, so developing a real desire is key to your success.

Be brave

I know that we are surrounded by so many rules and regulations, by family and friends, by their expectations, by their desires. However, imagine this as a very tight suit (or dress) – wouldn’t that make you feel really uncomfortable and restricted? Wouldn’t you want to set free? Do you realise just how tight that suit is and how it restricts you from living the life you truly want to live? Yes? Then the suit will explode pretty soon and that is okay. Dare to step out of what is supposedly the norm. Be brave and start walking your path, not someone else’s. Question and reflect the existing. Because only then will you able to de-dust your beautiful diamond back to the shining bright light, that it used to be.

Start your personal development

Why? Because once you tune into your body, once you start observing your thoughts, once you feel your emotions, you’ll gradually de-dust your diamond and you’ll have beautiful Aha-moments. And you’ll realise that there are things within you that you want to look at. Because this thing is basically shouting at you. It wants to be seen, it wants to be set free. Trust me, this process is beautiful.

Create your dance for your life

I have the feeling, no, I know that everyone holds something very special, something that is only waiting for you to set it free. This is an active process, this doesn’t just happen, but if you truly want to transform and if you want to dance through life, then personal growth is the fundament that you need to build on. And from there, you can go anywhere. If you follow me on Instagram and read my other blog posts, then you will know that I am a passionate dancer. It is the one thing that has always – since I can think of – been within me and whilst I’ve been dancing almost all my life, I got a different understanding of the word ‘dance’. Dancing is not only about taking the right steps in the right order, it is about creation, putting your true self into these movements and aligning them with the rhythm of your life.

How you transform

I strongly recommend connecting with your body and tuning into your body, especially yoga helped me a lot to feel my body on a deeper level. It helped me to observe my thoughts, even though I came over thoughts that I really didn’t want to listen to. Painful thoughts. Sometimes shocking. Sometimes just ‘stuff’. I wondered ‘Is this really me?’ 

However, trust me, if you want to transform, there is no way around feeling all of it. You need to let it all come up again, so you can look at it and then process it on different levels, be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

But isn’t it great to know that you hold the power to observe and control your thoughts? Isn’t it amazing that you are a human being who can change massively by taking that first step of being aware?

Are you ready, but need help?

If you want to change your life, start walking. Reflect yourself, visualise your dreams and start walking for your dreams. I am more than happy to facilitate that first step for you. Come into my workshop FEEL UNDERSTAND HEAL #2 to feel your body, to understand your thoughts and to heal from within.

Yours, Nina





Yay or nay?

We all know this feeling of being torn between one or the other option. We can’t decide. Maybe we don’t want to decide. Often we fear the consequences of our decisions.

Do you know this feeling, too? You sure do… And don’t worry, it’s okay, it’s human.

However, I wouldn’t write this article if I didn’t have some inspirational thoughts for you on how to approach the decision-making process and how to go from a blurry Yay and Nay to a clear Yes and No.

Build awareness

The most important thing for you to understand is – like always when it comes to personal growth – that you bring awareness to yourself, so that you notice when you struggle taking a decision.

Every single person on this beautiful planet has the opportunity and power to influence what’s happening and not happening in their lives.

You are holding the wheel.

Whilst of course you cannot and shouldn’t control everything in your life, isn’t it great to know that you hold the power to influence your reaction in certain situations and that you have the power to take action accordingly? Now taking action requires making a decision. And making a decision requires courage.

Create your life

Tell me, isn’t it great to know that you are the creator of your life? Isn’t it a good feeling to know that you can influence how your life is going? Isn’t it great that you hold the power to change your life to the life you truly want to live by taking decisions?

^Doesn’t that knowledge make the act of taking a decision attractive to you? Isn’t this such a relief?

Decide now

Think about it, if there’s anything that you are not happy with in your life at the moment, be it your relationship, a friendship, your health or something career related, then you must take a decision on how to change this immediately. Do not postpone it, act now!

The more decisions you’ll take the better you get in it. It’s the same with exercising. For example, the more you practice yoga, the more you’ll improve, as your muscles become stronger and your mind calmer. It’s exactly the same with your “decision muscle”.

Train your decision muscle.

If you are continuously training your decision muscle, you’ll notice how much easier it becomes to take decisions, how much quicker you’ll reach a decision and how much time you’ll save by not going back and forth, but instead to clearly say YES or NO to situations and opportunities in life.

Stand by your decision

Most importantly though when it comes to taking decisions is to stick to your decision, once it’s been made and to know that there’s no such thing as a wrong decision. There is nothing like failure. There is either results or learning. Once you really truly believe that every decision you take holds a massive opportunity for your learning and your growth, you’ll not agonise about the “What ifs”.

If you want to be truly successful in all areas of your life (and I don’t refer to your career only), you have to take decisions quickly and you have to trust that no matter what happens there is only results or learning.

Live your life

Never forget that you hold the power to live the life you truly want to live. Go get it. Be aware. Self-inquire. Reflect. Ask yourself ‘Who am I?’ and then start walking your way to pure happiness from the inside out.

Yours, Nina



The defined life

As you know, my articles are always based on my own life and experiences. Lately I’ve been wondering where our urge comes from to define things.

I am in a phase of my life, where I am ‘redefining’ things and so I couldn’t help but notice that most of us have an urge to define things, to fix things, to determine things. We define our lives by defining the world we live in. And I have a feeling we do that in all systems of our life. Be it the job, the living situation, friendships and especially relationships. Everything is defined. But why?

We rate by stating.

We automatically rate our environment based on our perception of the world and whatever we perceive we instantly want to state.

I have to say that based on my personal development and becoming more conscious of my behavioural patterns, I definitely had a tendency, a strong one haha, to define things, too. And it’s okay. However, now, I’m realising stronger than ever just how much I have actually missed out on by defining things in advance and before they even get a chance to develop. Into whatever.

It has all been part of my beautiful learning process. No regrets.

And that is my point. Why do you need to know in advance which direction things are heading to? Why do you need to know today if the job that is okay for now is the job forever? Why do you need to know if the flat or house you live in will be your place of living for the next years? Why do you need to know if the guy you’re dating at the moment is the partner for the rest of your live?

Just think about it: Whenever you are in the process of defining things, you are actually not living in the now. Your thoughts have already wandered ahead of the life you are living now. You are losing touch with being here and now. You are losing touch with this beautiful moment. You are losing touch with enjoying that specific moment or stage in your life, because you are already thinking ahead, you already want to define things.

I have understood that defining things is only a form of control that stems from fear.

Enjoying life is a form of flow that stems from love.

Love for the moment.

All I want to do with this article is to inspire you to let go of definitions, to let go of control so that you, too, can be in flow.

Yours, Nina

Don’t kill your enthusiasm

Pic by Bérénice Knöß from My Yoga Guide 

I’m starting this blog post with a bold statement:

If you kill your enthusiasm, you kill your joy for life.

I have improved my senses a lot over the last couple of years and along with that my observation skills and mindfulness improved, too. Now, I have noticed more than once that people seem to have lost their enthusiasm. When I am aware and looking at other people, no matter where I am, it just seems like people do lack expression verbally and non-verbally. Maybe it is just a snapshot of a moment, but maybe it is the direction our society has developed to.

And so I was asking myself what people are usually most enthusiastic about.

It is what we call happiness.

Happiness arises when we see opportunities to fulfil our basic needs such as connection and body contact on the one hand, and growth, autonomy and freedom on the other hand. Basically this mean we are happy, when we have the opportunity to grow, in a community or by ourselves.

So then I was wondering, how it’s possible that we lose our enthusiasm? Do we kill our enthusiasm ourselves?

Honestly, how often do you experience a wave of enthusiasm coming over you?

Once a week, once a month? Where did our longing to explore go? Where did our longing to create go? Where did our childish enthusiasm go that made us curious, creative and enthusiastic?

I believe that as we grow older and as we make our experiences, we get stuck in routines and our brain gets rusty. We know our family and friends, we know how things work, we do our job, we have our hobbies, we basically do what needs to be done. But this way life palls. It loses its attractiveness. Life loses its life.

And this is strongly related to the meaning you give to things, to the world you live in. And whilst it’s good to overthink the meaning you give to negative and energy draining situations, it is worth re-giving meaning to the little and beautiful things in your life.

Re-give meaning to the little & beautiful things in your life.

If you don’t make a true effort in spicing up your life, everything will have the same meaning, the same importance. You have arranged and controlled your life so well that its enthusiasm was drained till death. You managed to control your life. You managed to function.

Now it’s time to alter course!

Just imagine you are still a child. Life is not about safety, protection and maintenance, right? Life is about developing skills, about exploring and learning new things, so that we can grow.

It is about expressing yourself, differentiating between the things you love and don’t like, it is about smiling into the world, it is about consciously experiencing things instead of living on automatic mode. It is about breathing new life into your life.

Don’t kill your enthusiasm! Revive your life! For true happiness.

Yours, Nina


Why personal growth?

I’m so happy to have started my journey of personal growth, which I love calling my inner journey.

Yes, it’s hard sometimes to intensively reflect yourself, to tune into your body, to observe your thoughts and emotions, but it’s so worth it and your growth never stops.

It is a process.

The word ‘Personal Growth’ has become a much deeper meaning for me over the last couple of years since I have been diving deeper into my personal growth. In this blog post, I want to share some success stories with you, to inspire you to start walking and to keep going, even if you might think at some point:

What did I get myself into?

My first success relates to my sensory channels and my perception. I knew that my visual sense was already strongly developed, but thanks to my yoga teacher training my kinaesthetic sense unfolded, too. And just to clarify, doing my yoga teacher training was already a beautiful result of my personal growth. With two strongly developed senses and a better perception of myself, I noticed that my auditive channel however was slightly underdeveloped. Which brings me to my success: I’m treating myself and others more consciously, with even more love and respect. I see more, I feel more and after months of sharpening my perception skills, I also hear and listen more. It is so enriching to give my life more depth and meaning by the power of personal growth and better perception skills.

My second success story relates to my linguistic skills. Thanks to my better perception, I have also been able to improve my possibilities and means of expression, both verbally and non-verbally. The beautiful thing is it’s not only me feeling that my communication have become clearer, it is also acknowledged by others. Especially in moments and conversations when I was truly present, with all my senses. This is really the key to everything, to be present in the here and now. For example, if you have a conversation with someone, really focus on that person, avoid distractions, look at the person, listen and gradually feel into the person. I know it is not always easy, but start by bringing your awareness to your perception. Speaking of communication… I am a communicative person, hence it’s also a success for me to see, feel and hear, when it’s better not to say anything and to stay in silence. Who can relate?

Talk is silver, silence is golden.

Train your perception, because this is where communication begins. Always.

When it comes to communication, I also increasingly notice, especially when overhearing conversations in cafés, how many conflicts and misunderstandings simply derive from a different perspective of life. You must know that each person has their own individual perception, hence everyone sees the world differently. Everyone has a different map of reality. Does this make sense?

The map is not the territory. (Alfred Korzybski)

This phrase illustrates the differences between belief and reality. Our perception of the world is generated by our brain. Every perception, every map looks differently.

I understand more than ever that there is no such thing as compartmentalisation. No right or wrong. There are simply different perceptions based on education, values, culture and developed belief systems.

With my personal growth journey, my understanding for the other side of the medal has dramatically improved. I feel more relaxed, probably because I am fighting less for my perception of the world, but instead regard other perceptions as incredibly exciting and inspiring.

Last but not least I record as success what Mahatma Gandhi already said:

You must become the change you wish to see in the world.

I understood that I am responsible for my life, only me. I also realised that we as human beings have the wonderful capability to impact the pathways of our brain in order to overwrite negative and unwanted emotions, behaviours and actions with something positive. We can change our lives from negative to positive. Isn’t that amazing?

Of course, it’s always easier to blame someone else in a difficult situation, but nothing will ever change, if you don’t start with yourself first. My change and personal development clearly shows the positive shifts in my life, by starting with myself. By changing myself and my perception of reality. I extended my map of reality by reflecting myself and my environment. So as a result I notice immediately when I am reacting and acting based on one of my automatisms. Then I can intervene consciously, I say ‘Stop’ and make a new and better choice.

Like Lao Tse said:

Every journey begins with a single step.

I understood that this first step needed to come from me. And so my personal growth journey started.

I want to inspire you to start walking and to keep walking. The process never stops. And it is such a blessing to develop and to grow. Trust me, life holds so much love and joy, once you start walking. What’s holding you back?

Yours, Nina

Feminine Success

Interview with Henrike Dorndecker about Feminine Success

H: What does Feminine Success mean for you?

N: For me, Feminine Success, means that we, women, use our soft skills more again. I think that we have really good access to our intuition, but that unfortunately we sometimes disconnect from it. However, if we have access to our intuition and if we follow our heart, then I know that we can truly be successful. But first it is really important to use our soft skills and our intuition or to reactivate these skills if they got lost over time and then use them goal oriented. I also strongly believe that the perception of ourselves is key to success. That we are aligned with ourselves and in balance. That we really know who we are and what we stand for in order to be truly successful, the feminine way.

H: Thank you. And which areas are important to you at the moment? What are your successes or which challenges are you currently facing?

N: Well I have to say that since I’ve been going deeper into my personal growth, I’ve succeeded in many ways. Obviously everyone defines success differently, but I looked at questions like ‘Who am I?’, ‘What do I stand for?’, ‘What are my core values?’, ‘What do I want to achieve for this world?’, so I looked at the big picture and I’ve transformed my life in many ways. Nevertheless, there’s always room to grow and I think that for me personally I still want to improve listening and following my intuition, especially faster. I want to shorten the head-heart dilemma, which I think we all know too well. I want to be able to access my intuition even quicker, because I truly think that what we intuitively think is what is right and what we come back to when it is time to decide. However, we often make a detour, because we become insecure by what our mind is telling us.

I also think that especially for us women it’s important that we allow ourselves to be softer again. In a world that feels somehow dominated by men, I think we have un-practised this softness, but it is so critical to Feminine Success. Be strong with softness.

H: Yes, right, I totally agree. What is your profession, Nina? What do you do? What do you offer and where do you see a link to Feminine Success here?

N: I work as Life Strategist. It is my vision to encourage people to reconnect with their true self and to live in full alignment with it. I follow a holistic approach based on body work (yoga), mind work as well as essential oils. Hence, it’s an approach covering body, mind and soul alike. I’m so enthusiastic about this topic as I understood that we cannot be successful only in one area of our lives, but that we need to strive for success in each area of our lives. Everyone of course defines ‘success’ individually which makes it so exciting. To become successful we need to know who we really are, and when we do, our success is unlimited. Moreover, we will be truly happy and fulfilled. If we know who we really are, then we have access to our true potential and we can activate it, but if not, we will never exploit our full potential. And this is what I do, what I’m passionate about, this is my mission.

H: Great, I think the world needs more people like you. Last but not least, do you have a personal advice that you want to share here?

N: Yes sure, my main topic is to encourage people to live in alignment with their true self, because I truly believe that we can only be truly happy, once we know who we are. So I would recommend, don’t be scared, follow your heart and intuition, do not apologise for who you are, feel your body again, watch your thoughts and emotions and reconnect with yourself. And to be very specific, practise yoga, breathe and meditate. If you have never done this before, just start with 1 minute for meditation or lie down with your hands resting on your belly and deeply inhale and exhale into your belly. This is a simple calming exercise, but you’ll notice the increase in your energy for sure.

H: Fantastic, Nina. Thank you. This was a great conversation and I loved your simple but very effective breathing exercise at the end. Thanks. 

N: Thank you for having me.

PS: If you understand German, also watch the live interview on Facebook on my page ninaspinknotes

Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful.

Life is full of little treasures. Don’t fail to see them as they come.

Do you want to be fulfilled? Are you striving for pure happiness? Do you want to live a beautiful life?

Then I recommend you start with developing your awareness. Sharpen your senses. Look, listen, feel, taste and smell. Be mindful. Life is full of little treasures. And these small things are what makes life so liveable and beautiful.

We often think we need to have big things in life in order to be happy, but the opposite is true.  Appreciate the small things in life, each and every day, and I promise they will add up to something big. Something that you have created from the inside out. Something that is unique to you. Something that will make you feel fulfilled, successful and happy.

For your inspiration, I’d love to share the beauties of my world with you:

  • Look into the mirror and be thankful for your life.
  • Appreciate a flower, its look, colour and smell.
  • If you are a cyclist like me, feel the breeze in your hair and on your skin.
  • When the sun is shining, close your eyes for a moment and just enjoy the warmth.
  • Treasure conversations with new people, look into the other person’s eyes and give them a smile.
  • Be kind to other people, like your neighbours, your colleagues, staff. Treat them just like you want to be treated and better.
  • Put on some music and just sing or dance, go crazy.
  • Smile. Think of something positive to support yourself.
  • Before going to bed, appreciate the bed that you will be lying in.
  • When you get up in the morning, be happy to breathe.
  • When you exercise, be grateful for your health.
  • Treasure stillness when it’s there.
  • Listen to all the sounds around you, like birds chirping, people laughing, the wind in the trees.
  • Practice yoga.
  • Meditate.
  • Travel to places to get inspired and motivated.

I am so deeply grateful for my life, I love it, as I’ve come to truly appreciate the small things in life. In reality, the small things are the big things, when you are mindful every day and once you let the universe shine its beauty around you.

Shine your light.

Yours, Nina