Oh Yeah & Bam

Whilst starting writing this, I’m smiling to myself because of the headline of today’s blog article. However, it expresses best my current state of mind. Oh yeah & Bam describes my drive and motivation to be the best Life & Business Strategist that I can possibly be for you.

Soak it up like a sponge

In order to achieve this, I’m currently being coached by three superb coaches all over the world. In April 2018, I attended an event of JT Foxx, which took me further and further onto my personal and professional journey. I went from his Mega Speaker event in Munich to his Top 1% coaching at his house in Fort Myers, Florida, from where I just returned last week. Then yesterday I went back to where it all started 6 months ago, I attended another Mega Speaker event in Munich. Every event, every attendee, every word, every advice, I’m soaking up like a sponge. The ongoing journey helps me a lot to keep bursting mental knots. Hence, I will keep going further and I will be in Los Angeles in early November for his Mega Success event with celebrities and people attending from all across the world. I’m beyond excited to be part of this. But this isn’t it. I will also attend his 4 day event Dream Team in Munich at the end of November. When writing this, I’m thinking:

Oh Yeah & Bam.

Happiness by choice

This is one of the most exciting journeys in my life and it all kicked off at the beginning of 2015 after my 10 year relationship broke. Instead of burying my head into the sand (after some time of grief of course), I began reflecting on my life, on my job, on my relationships, on my needs and my wants. Instead of following a path that I was seemingly taking for other reasons but mine, I decided to change my life and to actively design it. I was so excited about creating the best version of myself, in all areas of my life., because I figured that success in all of these areas will eventually get me to where I want to be. Living a life that I am destined to live. Living a life in full happiness. I love naming it ‘Happiness by choice’. I choose. I decide. I have the power to design a life for me that makes me happy to live, because let’s be honest, this is what we are all striving for. Happiness. You define the term for yourself of course, but happiness is what we are all longing for, isn’t it?

It’s a process

It is so important to know though that this is a process. And the process of designing my life for results started with my intrinsic desire to change, to develop, to grow and to really become the best version of myself, meaning I needed to understand who I was. What I am getting at is, if you are at a point in your life, where you crave change, then take your time. It is a process. This might not be a satisfying thing to hear, but patience, the will to keep going, to do whatever it takes, to keep learning, to keep growing is a continuous milestone. Once I surrounded myself with like-minded people, things also started to get easier, opportunities have been arising ever since, my mind is getting stronger every day and things are happening for me!

Obstacles are your teacher

Have there been obstacles along the way? Hell yes. Many. Be it financially, be it with certain friends and also with family, where I didn’t quite feel the support I would have loved. Then there were mental obstacles on my side, where I did not really allow myself to go fully in, probably because I was afraid. Once I understood that every obstacle, every comment, every negativity, every trigger is my teacher to go even deeper and further, this is when the biggest insights came to me, when I was able to heal relationships, when I could let go of unnecessary bullshit. This was when I was finally able to start the process of rising to the best version of myself.

The best version of yourself

My best version means being grounded, aligned and awake, knowing who I am, what I stand for, what my values are, what my vision is and to live every day in happiness. The pic I chose stands exactly for that:

Oh yeah & Bam.

Yours Nina



Feeling aligned

I am feeling really good, inspired and energised lately, so the following question came to my mind:

Is this what it feels like to feel aligned?

So, I observed my thoughts and feelings more intensively over the last weeks. Sitting here right now writing this, I realise ‘Yes, that’s it, this is what feeling aligned means to me.’ These last two words, however, are critical, as you will experience a feeling of alignment differently than me. Nevertheless, I want to share my perspective on this feeling, as I’ve been able to experience it in such a positive and life-changing way.

I noticed that thoughts are simply the children of my emotions, meaning I’m in a positive mood and emotion, so my thoughts tend to be more positive. However, it also works the other way round, being in a negative mood means I’ve been thinking more negative thoughts. Now here’s the problem of this vicious circle. Let’s turn it around. If I have negative thoughts, a negative emotion is very likely to follow, and again it also works for my positive thoughts inducing positive emotions. So, here’s what I’m saying:

Be aware of your thoughts. They are the children of your emotions.

I happily noticed that I hold the power to shift this happening, that I can decide to think positively, that I can do mind and body work to allow this shift to happen. And I made it happen and I still do every day. Over the last years, I observed my thoughts, I observed my feelings, I questioned them, I tracked them back, I simply allowed myself to truly feel myself without avoiding, without fearing, without ignoring.

You hold the power to make this shift happen.

I understand more and more, how important it is to give things time. Because time is a good revealer of what’s really true.

Time is a good revealer of what’s really true.

What I mean is, if something bugs me, if someone makes a comment that triggers me, if I feel angry, sad or confused, I don’t instantly react anymore (there are exceptions of course, I’m just a human being). I give my best to let this feeling run through me and to give it time to rest. When this feeling really settles somewhere within me, I can still react, but if it doesn’t settle, then why react, right? Because my reaction would have required my energy and the more I think about it, the more stupid it is to instantly react to things.

Be aware of your energy.

Another thought that sticks around with me is that I truly believe that things happen for a reason. So, if something unpleasant happens in my life, I really try my best these days to remind myself that there must be a good reason for this, that this is a sign of the universe that something even better is just waiting for me around the corner. So, I decided to stop feeding these fires, that drain me, that I cannot change anyways, and to rather focus on the things that I can change and that I can feed with love instead.

Stop feeding the fire. Feed love instead.

And yes, probably the most important topic for most of us, myself included, is letting go. I  let go of being right; rather I remind myself that my reality is not the same as someone else’s, so the term ‘being right’ doesn’t appear reasonable anymore. It is always a matter of perspective. That’s it. Don’t hold on to thoughts, emotions, things, people, opinions; they change, they evolve, they flow, they develop, but they never stand still, so I decided to let go of being right and instead to bring my attention to what comes afterwards. Also, and I know it’s ironic, but most of the time when I cannot let go, it is definitely time to let go. Maybe you can resonate.

Let go of being right.

The topic of letting go brings me to my beloved topic ‘Alignment’. Because I perceived that if it’s aligned with me, whatever it is, a job, money, a partner, a guy, a friend, it will stay. It will f***-ing stay. It’s all about trust. When I trust life, when I trust the universe, when I understand that I am a connected human being and not on my own in this beautiful world that I live in, then the universe conspires to bring me joy, lightness, happiness and alignment. In a feeling of trust, I don’t have to grip to people or things, I don’t have to control anything, I can simply let go and trust that with letting go, my life will start shifting to the better.

If it’s aligned, it’ll stay.

When I’m feeling aligned, I talk about a feeling of greatness & inspiration. I feel strong and energised. In a state of alignment I trust that everything will come to me when the time is right and when I’m ready to receive it. When feeling aligned, I feel the power within me that I am the creator of my dreams and my dream life.

You are the creator of your dream life.

I feel so blessed that as a result of my alignment and faith, I published my first eBook ‘Feel Understand Heal #1 – Reveal your true self.’ In this eBook I help you start your inner journey to reveal your true self. I want the expression ‘Be Yourself’ to be the guideline for your life, because you can only be truly happy, when you know who you really are.

Living a life in full alignment and happiness is the commitment we, I, you should give ourselves, don’t you think so?

Yours, Nina



Start walking for your dreams

Interviewed by Dominik Hoffmann @WasHeldentun

I want to share another beautiful and inspiring interview with you. The interview is in German, so I will summarise the most important insights and key learnings for you through this blog post:

Start walking for your dreams.

My message from the bottom of my heart to yours: Start walking for your dreams. I want to encourage you to live in alignment with your true self, so that you can live a happy and fulfilled life from the inside out.

Pin it

What do you truly want for yourself? What is your message to the world? Write it down on a (pink) post-it or several post-its and put them onto your mirror in the bathroom. No chance you’ll oversee that and hence you’ll be reminded of your message at all times.


We are all unique; we all have something beautiful to share with the world. If you don’t know what that would be at the moment, then reconnect with yourself. We all actually know who we are, however the challenge we are facing is that this awareness of our true self often gets lost and so over time we forget who we really are. You can visualise this as a dusted diamond. It is (still) shining underneath, but you need to de-dust your diamond in order to go back to your true self, to who you really are.

Want it

You really must want this though. If you don’t feel the desire to change your life to the better, if you don’t want to transform, if you don’t want to live a lighter and happier life, then it’ll be impossible to de-dust your diamond, so developing a real desire is key to your success.

Be brave

I know that we are surrounded by so many rules and regulations, by family and friends, by their expectations, by their desires. However, imagine this as a very tight suit (or dress) – wouldn’t that make you feel really uncomfortable and restricted? Wouldn’t you want to set free? Do you realise just how tight that suit is and how it restricts you from living the life you truly want to live? Yes? Then the suit will explode pretty soon and that is okay. Dare to step out of what is supposedly the norm. Be brave and start walking your path, not someone else’s. Question and reflect the existing. Because only then will you able to de-dust your beautiful diamond back to the shining bright light, that it used to be.

Start your personal development

Why? Because once you tune into your body, once you start observing your thoughts, once you feel your emotions, you’ll gradually de-dust your diamond and you’ll have beautiful Aha-moments. And you’ll realise that there are things within you that you want to look at. Because this thing is basically shouting at you. It wants to be seen, it wants to be set free. Trust me, this process is beautiful.

Create your dance for your life

I have the feeling, no, I know that everyone holds something very special, something that is only waiting for you to set it free. This is an active process, this doesn’t just happen, but if you truly want to transform and if you want to dance through life, then personal growth is the fundament that you need to build on. And from there, you can go anywhere. If you follow me on Instagram and read my other blog posts, then you will know that I am a passionate dancer. It is the one thing that has always – since I can think of – been within me and whilst I’ve been dancing almost all my life, I got a different understanding of the word ‘dance’. Dancing is not only about taking the right steps in the right order, it is about creation, putting your true self into these movements and aligning them with the rhythm of your life.

How you transform

I strongly recommend connecting with your body and tuning into your body, especially yoga helped me a lot to feel my body on a deeper level. It helped me to observe my thoughts, even though I came over thoughts that I really didn’t want to listen to. Painful thoughts. Sometimes shocking. Sometimes just ‘stuff’. I wondered ‘Is this really me?’ 

However, trust me, if you want to transform, there is no way around feeling all of it. You need to let it all come up again, so you can look at it and then process it on different levels, be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

But isn’t it great to know that you hold the power to observe and control your thoughts? Isn’t it amazing that you are a human being who can change massively by taking that first step of being aware?

Are you ready, but need help?

If you want to change your life, start walking. Reflect yourself, visualise your dreams and start walking for your dreams. I am more than happy to facilitate that first step for you. Come into my workshop FEEL UNDERSTAND HEAL #2 to feel your body, to understand your thoughts and to heal from within.

Yours, Nina