Oh Yeah & Bam

Whilst starting writing this, I’m smiling to myself because of the headline of today’s blog article. However, it expresses best my current state of mind. Oh yeah & Bam describes my drive and motivation to be the best Life & Business Strategist that I can possibly be for you.

Soak it up like a sponge

In order to achieve this, I’m currently being coached by three superb coaches all over the world. In April 2018, I attended an event of JT Foxx, which took me further and further onto my personal and professional journey. I went from his Mega Speaker event in Munich to his Top 1% coaching at his house in Fort Myers, Florida, from where I just returned last week. Then yesterday I went back to where it all started 6 months ago, I attended another Mega Speaker event in Munich. Every event, every attendee, every word, every advice, I’m soaking up like a sponge. The ongoing journey helps me a lot to keep bursting mental knots. Hence, I will keep going further and I will be in Los Angeles in early November for his Mega Success event with celebrities and people attending from all across the world. I’m beyond excited to be part of this. But this isn’t it. I will also attend his 4 day event Dream Team in Munich at the end of November. When writing this, I’m thinking:

Oh Yeah & Bam.

Happiness by choice

This is one of the most exciting journeys in my life and it all kicked off at the beginning of 2015 after my 10 year relationship broke. Instead of burying my head into the sand (after some time of grief of course), I began reflecting on my life, on my job, on my relationships, on my needs and my wants. Instead of following a path that I was seemingly taking for other reasons but mine, I decided to change my life and to actively design it. I was so excited about creating the best version of myself, in all areas of my life., because I figured that success in all of these areas will eventually get me to where I want to be. Living a life that I am destined to live. Living a life in full happiness. I love naming it ‘Happiness by choice’. I choose. I decide. I have the power to design a life for me that makes me happy to live, because let’s be honest, this is what we are all striving for. Happiness. You define the term for yourself of course, but happiness is what we are all longing for, isn’t it?

It’s a process

It is so important to know though that this is a process. And the process of designing my life for results started with my intrinsic desire to change, to develop, to grow and to really become the best version of myself, meaning I needed to understand who I was. What I am getting at is, if you are at a point in your life, where you crave change, then take your time. It is a process. This might not be a satisfying thing to hear, but patience, the will to keep going, to do whatever it takes, to keep learning, to keep growing is a continuous milestone. Once I surrounded myself with like-minded people, things also started to get easier, opportunities have been arising ever since, my mind is getting stronger every day and things are happening for me!

Obstacles are your teacher

Have there been obstacles along the way? Hell yes. Many. Be it financially, be it with certain friends and also with family, where I didn’t quite feel the support I would have loved. Then there were mental obstacles on my side, where I did not really allow myself to go fully in, probably because I was afraid. Once I understood that every obstacle, every comment, every negativity, every trigger is my teacher to go even deeper and further, this is when the biggest insights came to me, when I was able to heal relationships, when I could let go of unnecessary bullshit. This was when I was finally able to start the process of rising to the best version of myself.

The best version of yourself

My best version means being grounded, aligned and awake, knowing who I am, what I stand for, what my values are, what my vision is and to live every day in happiness. The pic I chose stands exactly for that:

Oh yeah & Bam.

Yours Nina



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