You deserve to be 100% happy

Sorry, I have been silent, I hope you also follow me on social media, Facebook & Instagram to connect with me on a deeper level.

Here’s one fundamental thing I really needed and wanted to share with you as a coach.

People often ask me:

“But Nina, how do I now get from knowing that I’m stuck to actually changing my life to the positive?”

And I say three things:

  • ☝🏼Believe that you DESERVE to be 100% happy.
  • ☝🏼DECIDE that you want to be 100% happy.
  • ☝🏼TAKE ACTION to be 100% happy.

Do you really want to transform?

❣️Then join my transformational retreat in Austria from 6-8 December. All info & booking link can be found here. Early bird price only until 31st August. Only 30% down payment required to secure your spot now.
❣️Work with me one-on-one to dive deeper to what makes you truly happy! Schedule your complimentary intro call with me now by clicking here.
Love, yours Nina 💖

Dive Deep – Get results!

Are YOU around Munich and ready to dive in deeper?

JOIN MY WORKSHOP – for women, in Munich, in German.

Transforming your life to the positive means that you consciously decide for change. Change doesn’t just happen. Once you have decided for change, you gotta take action and that you have to do consistently. Why? In order to see results that last.

Of course you can get quick results, but why invest time, money and energy into activities that don’t last? Don’t you want to get long-lasting results? Don’t you want that your decisions and actions pay off in all areas of your life?

Results that last

In order to get long-lasting results, I am a true ambassador of holistic change. We have to look not only into all areas of life, but also we need to understand that change happens holistically, mentally, physically and emotionally. This is exactly what I do in my work and passion as International Results Coach.

The approach

We have to feed our mind with positivity, positive thoughts, gratitude and the consistent desire to make our lives better, easier, lighter and happier, also healthier and more courageous.

We have to move our body in order to stay connected and not lose connection with the body we live in. Our body is our home, you can go anywhere in the world, but you will always take yourself with you, so you better ensure your home is healthy, happy, aligned, balanced, centred and full of energy. Watch this little video of me in Italy where I share with you a small and simple, yet soooooo effective yoga practice. Just get ready and do the movements.

And of course it is beneficial to understand our emotions by diving in deeper here, too. In order to understand these, we have to be able to label them as well. This means we should learn what the different emotions are that we are facing. Is it fear, love, sadness, anger, happiness…? There are so many emotional reactions that we show daily, yet I often see in my coaching calls with my clients that they are struggling to label their emotions. As a consequence it is difficult to understand where and how and when to address the emotional challenge. How can you solve something if you haven’t truly understood what is causing it?

For all of these aspects I have found solutions on how to dress body, mind and soul in a holistic way, to dive in deeper and to get you long-lasting results.

Are you a woman around Munich and keen to transform, ready to take action and design a healthier and happier life?

Then you have to sign up for my workshop “Dive Deep Experience”. Stop questioning, stop finding excuses, invest in yourself by saying yes and sign up now.

Love, yours Nina

Time flies? NO.

YOU are just not actively DESIGNING your time.

Let’s look at this more closely and let’s start with you honestly asking yourself the following questions – oh and take your time for that…

  • Do I feel as though my life is out of my control? As though others determine my path, and I am stuck in a life that’s not of my own design?
  • Do I make excuses why I can’t do something, because I don’t have time?
  • Do I spend a lot of my time being “busy”, running from one thing to the next, but feeling like I don’t get anything done?

“Isn’t it easy for us to use our busy lives as an excuse not to do the things we love?”


Nina Sadlowsky I Design your life for results.

So many people tell themselves day in, day out that they just don’t have the time, or the energy, to do this or to do that.

Are you one of them?

But again, let’s be honest here. The reason for not doing the things we love, is that we simply don’t claim the things we deserve.

Again, answer these questions:

  • How often do you claim time for yourself and the things you truly want to do?
  • How often do you rush through life to get things done for someone else instead of for yourself?
  • How often do you think and say that time flies?

I believe the phenomenon of “Time flies” is not only a result of our ever increasing busy lives. It is about not prioritising ourselves. And where does that come from? Usually from a lack of self-love.

However, mix self-love with claiming time for yourself and your desires, add some extra time awareness and you’ll notice where your time and energy go.

So, start with growing your (time) awareness, live your life consciously, design your life, do not let it happen by default and the feeling of “Time flies” will vanish. The feeling of happiness & lightness from within, however, will grow, with every day.

You get one shot in life, you better live it fully. Do not hold back, because with every day we are moving closer to death. (I know that is harsh, but it is the truth).

Love, yours Nina

More inspiration for results on Instagram and Facebook

Connect with me @designyourlifeforresults / #designyourlifeforresults

You don’t have 20 sec? Think again.

I got a lot of enquiries lately on the ESSENTIAL OILS I’m using on a daily basis. I can just say that I love them & that they support me not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.
Using dōTERRA essential oils has also taught me to connect even deeper with what’s going on inside me, because in order to use the ‘right’ oil, I need to check-in with myself first, to understand my needs and desires. .
To keep the information as simple as possible, I wanted to start by sharing with you my OIL ROUTINE.

1️⃣ I get up, go to the kitchen, put one drop of peppermint oil into the palm of my hands. Rub hands together, hold them in front of nose and inhale deeply for three times.
RESULT: Immediate energizer to wake me up. It’s also great when you feel tired in the afternoon.

2️⃣ One drop of Copaiba under my tongue supports a healthy immune and cardiovascular system.
RESULT: Soothes anxious feelings, also and especially preventatively.

3️⃣ After my shower, I put 2 drops of Balance oil on the soles of my feet. It has like the name suggests balancing properties.
RESULT: A rooting and grounding feeling.

4️⃣ Over the course of the day, I put 2 drops of Lemon oil, Grapefruit oil or Basil oil in 1litre of water. Lemon is cleansing and refreshing, Grapefruit supports a healthy metabolism and Basil is really good in states of exhaustion, overwhelm and fatigue. I also love Spearmint, it is the oil for speakers, for people who speak a lot, like I do in my coaching sessions and yoga lessons.

5️⃣ When I work at home, which I often do, I switch on my diffuser with an oil combination suitable to my needs, for example, energy, focus, calming, etc. Just go with the flow.

6️⃣ Towards the afternoon, I inhale Peppermint again and use additional oils as per my desired results.

7️⃣ In the evenings, I diffuse Lavender. I also apply Lavender onto my wrists and behind my ears before bed to aid a restful sleep.
RESULT: Calming and peaceful.

8️⃣ At last, I put one drop of Frankincense oil under my tongue to support my entire body and mind system. It is also the oil to support cell regeneration, and works well against wrinkles when applied to skin directly. RESULT: Less wrinkles, better skin.

If you now hold to an excuse of “Oh that’s time-consuming”, think again, because every step listed here literally takes about 20 seconds. BOOM‼️

If you are completely new to essential oils, but like what you read, then schedule your complimentary 15min oil consultation with me here:

If you already know which oils you want, then just click here to benefit from your 25% discount on every product – Select “Wholesale Customer” and follow the steps to get to your results. Results this way please:

Questions? Drop me a Pink Note.

PS: You have a specific need? Write me. I have been mixing many individual blends for my clients to support them with their needs specifically, because you know one size does not fit all.

Love, yours Nina

How do you show up?

Today in a call, we talked about the question:

How do I choose to show up?

This question is even more relevant in difficult times, in times of low energy, lack of motivation or when we feel tired and exhausted.
The question is how we show up in these situations.

Do we find excuses? Do we hide? Do we get lazy? Is perfectionism getting into our way?

OR do we pull ourselves out of that situation and choose to live in expansion and growth?
We all have tough times, I do, you do, we do.


Love, yours Nina

PS. If you need and desire guidance on how to choose growth always, message me for our complimentary “Get to know you” Call. I look forward to having you. There is only one (!) 1:1 coaching slot available starting in April. So, take action! It wont be around for too long.

Quality management as a coach

Do you know what makes me happiest? Getting results for myself and for you.

Why do I mention myself first? Because I strongly believe that I should have tested my methods, tools and habits intensively before I pass them onto you.

Do you agree?

I mean this is basically my quality management system for my results coaching like all companies do it. So, be assured that I have tested all on myself 100% and I got the results I wanted; physically, mentally and emotionally.

This is why I happily pass on my years of knowledge to you in my holistic results coaching. Because it’s your turn now to get results. I wish for you to breakthrough to a healthier, happier and more courageous life by design and I Know you can do it, too.

If YOU are ready to change your life to the positive, send me a direct message here. There is only one (!!) 1:1 coaching slot left with me starting in April. And always follow me on Instagram @designyourlifeforresults for inspiration on how to get results ASAP. It’s not that difficult, but stop the excuses and move your beautiful butt 🤣.

Love, yours Nina

My success tips to get you results

Read till the end, there’s a great freebie for you!

Every time people ask me about my transformation, I reflect on what I used to do and how I used to live and what my life looks like now ✔️👏🏼💙

As there’s a growing interest in understanding how I got to my results, let me share my top success factors with you:

  • Be brutally honest with yourself as to whether you are happy or not.
  • Practice awareness as to what it is that’s bugging you. The better you define it, the easier to take first action.
  • Spend more time by yourself; avoid distractions to what you really want. Don’t talk too much with people who don’t know shit.
  • Instead, get a coach you have good chemistry with, someone who can take you from A to B.
  • Be brave to dive deeper into all aspects of life and be prepared that it will hurt.
  • Look forward to the happiness that lies on the other side of fear.
  • Connect body, mind and soul. They belong together.
  • Have a strong why, a mission that you carry and feel deep within you and that grows stronger every day.
  • Get clear on where you are heading!

If YOU want to get results on the fast track, I strongly recommend heading to my FREE Results Coaching now. Just click here to get started right away.

I can say now: My why, my mission makes me freaking happy, so that I can dance through life. Happy to dance with YOU, if you are ready. I love action-takers; so if YOU are one and want to dive in deeper, get in touch with me here.

Love, yours Nina 💙

PS: Do not forget to take action by securing your FREE Results Coaching here.

More being, less doing

If you are following me on Instagram, then you’ll know that I’ve just returned from a trip through Cambodia and that I spent 2 weeks in a yoga & meditation retreat in Kep, in Vagabond Temple. I will write a separate article about my travels through Cambodia and the yoga retreat, but for now I will focus on one of my biggest learnings in the last few years. Something that was confirmed again during the yoga retreat. Something that will accompany me for life.

More being, less doing.

If I had to rate where I used to be on a being-doing scale, then I’d say 9 doing and 1 being, meaning I was constantly in action, in movement, restless. I felt like I constantly had to be productive, that I had to do something, that I couldn’t just sit there doing nothing.

I questioned myself during the retreat, why that is and thought, probably because it made me feel lazy and being lazy is not accepted in our society. Wherever we go and look, there is doing, action, activity, rush, hurry, pressure, so I’m not too surprised anymore that I wasn’t able to just be, but that instead I was constantly in doing mode, in fear of being unproductive, unsuccessful and lazy. Maybe this is a fear of not being good enough, too? A fear of not being seen? Of not being acknowledged? Of not receiving validation?

If you relate with my words, maybe ask yourself as well, why you do so much and why you are so little.

Now, being on my path of personal development, I have adapted the scale of being and doing. More being, less doing. It’s important to say at this point that doing is not a bad thing, we need to do in order to progress, but it is equally important for us to be, to process, digest and grow. The critical point is, as often in life, to be conscious about our being and doing and to find balance between the two.

Imagine that your head represents doing and your heart is being. When you do, allow your heart and your soul to follow. When you are, invest the energy you gain into doing.

Find silence when needed. Step into action when required. Then rest. Allow yourself to simply be. Listen to your body, it talks to you.

If you acknowledge being and doing of the same value, then you will feel more balanced, at ease and more relaxed, which ultimately leads you closer and closer to your true self.

Yours, Nina