About openness

Openness, a topic very close to my heart.

  • Do you know what to expect in any given new situation? No.
  • Would you like to know what to expect in any given new situation? Probably yes.
  • Would you feel safer? Probably yes.
  • Is it realistic to know what to expect? No.

What do we normally do, when we are confronted with a new situation? I’d say we usually imagine the situation ahead of us. We imagine the possibilities associated with it, but most likely we fear the associated risks even stronger. It’s a mixed feeling of looking forward to something new, whilst at the same time, we are afraid of the uncertainty, we feel helpless and insecure, we feel like we don’t have the right skills or knowledge to be confronted with that situation, let alone to succeed. We are simply worried, to fail.

However, I’m sure there is always a way through that fear. The first step to take is to move that fear from the unconscious to the conscious. If you are oblivious of your fear or if you suppress it, you won’t experience the much needed impulse to change, and you cannot use the energy of fear to let it all go. But, if you make yourself aware of the fact that you are scared of a new situation, then you can be fully present and conscious in that moment of fear and you can work through it.

The most important thing for not letting fear get into your way is to be open-minded.

Being open-minded means to offer openness to new experiences and people, to be prepared to learn new things, at all times, in any given situation. It’s not about knowledge. Knowledge is relative. It is about openness.

Be open-minded and offer openness to new experiences.

Ensure you always listen to your conversational partner. Do not only do the talking yourself, but listen carefully to what your counterpart has to tell. Do not pretend to know everything already, because knowledge is relative. Show interest in your conversational partner. Maybe he/she will be able to teach you something new.

Knowledge is relative. Listen carefully instead.

There is no reason to be afraid of a new situation, especially when it comes down to, what you would call it, lack of knowledge. Knowledge can always be acquired.

What you should do though is to face that new situation with openness. Be curious and respect every person you meet along the way. Have faith and trust, because everything in life unfolds, as it is supposed to.

Turn your worries into confidence by being brave, open and by thinking positive.

You get what you expect.

Walk with positive thoughts, so that life can help you walk in the right direction.

Walk with open ears, so that you hear, what life wants to tell you.

Walk with open eyes, so that you see, what life wants to show you.

Walk with an open heart, so that you feel, what life wants to share with you.

Oh and don’t forget to smile.

Yours, Nina